We advise you of your rights and obligations under an existing contract or a contract which you intend to enter into.
Shareholder Agreements
If you are currently a partner or a shareholder in an existing business, you and your fellow partners or shareholders may wish to consider signing a Shareholder Agreement or Partnership Agreement to regulate your rights and obligations with each other or as part of your business succession planning.
Partnership Agreements
If you are currently a partner or a shareholder in an existing business, you and your fellow partners or shareholders may wish to consider signing a Shareholder Agreement or Partnership Agreement to regulate your rights and obligations with each other or as part of your business succession planning.
Sale and Purchase agreement for Shares of company
We can assist you to prepare or vet sale and purchase agreements between existing shareholders or between existing shareholders and interested parties.
Sale and Purchase agreement of Assets
We can assist you to prepare or vet sale and purchase agreements for sale of assets between businesses.
Takeover business agreements
We can assist you to prepare or vett sale and purchase agreements between all existing owners and interested investor.
Loan Agreements
We can assist you to prepare or vett loan agreements to set out payment obligations between the lender and borrower with regard to the loan amount.
Claims for payment of debts
We can assist you to issue letters of demand to the debtors for payment of your claims and to proceed with the issue of Writ of Summons if there is no outcome from the letter of demand.
Registration of Trademarks
We assist businesses in their application for trademark for their goods and services.